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Accident.. that’s how i got into cycling.

So the phrase “The Best Things in life happen by accident” Hercules Neo with a friend of his..applies to me perfectly. And from there on it was fun. Initially i got myself a gear-less bike nd used it to move around a bit, but i started to think of doing long rides. But my gear-less bike proved to be way out of it’s league. So, started looking for bikes that are affordable, good enough to take 100-150 kms nd of decent quality. My first choice was to look at indian brands, i don’t know cause of some “buy local” thinking of something. After a lot of search, i bought myself a hybrid-bike, Hercules Riders Neo, my first bike nd the best.

Well started biking, did a couple of rides with college buddies. During one of those rides, luckily i found out about a sort-of-biking-club, Bike Affair. It’s a bike store actually where u can buy all kinds of high-end bikes nd at the same time they organise rides, beginner-rides on Sunday, night-rides on Monday nd a long-rides on Saturday. It was like a dream come true for me, as they were offering everything i’l probably love and need, as a package. Immediately i started doing beginner rides, got comfortable with the bike, made some friends who really know their stuff. They started pushing me to do long rides nd i somehow found my courage.

Shankarpally, this place always rings a bell to any cyclist in Hyderabad. The route is just awesome with beautiful village-like landscape, a complete contrast to city scene. I went to the ride carrying my dslr, though was heavy nd uncomfortable, turned out to be the best thing. Helped me capture those memories for life. Ride turned out to be both fun and extremely painful. I rushed the first 40km nd cause of that i was completely tired pedalling just to keep-up with the speeding pack.

“Keep them in sight. Keep them in sight”.

That’s what kept me going on the second 40km. And u know what, it was worth it. When the ride was done, i was like “Nothing comes for free, not happiness, not the feeling of satisfaction, not that pain (which actually feels good in a way)”. Yeah, pain feels good. And from there on long rides were like my best buddies.

Now the best part of my cycling experience, Night Rides. Simply they are the best. 30km of fast biking in peak traffic hours in Hyderabad, followed by a tasty snack. It just can’t get any better than that. To do justice, i need to dedicate a complete post to it.

Before i take my leave, have to thank Krish Basu, Raghu, Krish Agarwal, Abhi, Manu, Prakash, Mayur nd many i didn’t name, for helping me be what i am today. Thanks guys.

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